

Healthy soya slow-cooked with smoky chillies and kidney beans. Served with long grain rice.

Our Take on the Warming One-Pot Favourite
Chilli con Carne is that classic one-pot dish, which is why we wanted to create Chilli non Carne, so that vegetarians could get the same warming flavours on a cold night on the mountains. We use healthy soya flavoured with paprika, cumin and sweet tomatoes to create that much-loved chilli taste. We then add the crunch of red pepper, nutty red kidney beans and a subtle spice hit from ancho and chipotle to finish our South American classic. A vegan version that tastes as good as the real thing.

Pays de fabrication : UK

Ingrédients : Hachis TVP (fèves de soja, caramel), tomates, riz, oignon, haricots rouges, poivron rouge, ail, piments frais, purée de tomates, huile de colza, piments ancho, bouillon de champignons (concentré de champignons, extrait de levure, sucre, maïzena), vinaigre de vin rouge, sel, graines de cumin, poudre de cumin, piments chipotle, paprika, feuilles de laurier, cannelle, piment en poudre, acide citrique.

Allergènes : Fèves de soja

Poids : 135g (normal)

Calories : 485kcal (Normal 135g)

Consommation d’eau : 400ml (normal 135g)

Préparation : Ouvrir le sachet et retirer l’absorbeur d’oxygène (petit sachet). Verser de l’eau bouillante jusqu’au niveau indiqué / volume indiqué sur l’emballage. Mélanger, fermer le sachet et laisser reposer 15 minutes.


Per 100g Regular (135g) Extra large (200g)
Energy (kcal) 359 485 730
Fat 2.5g 3.4g 5.1g
  of which saturates 0.3g 0.4g 0.6g
Carbohydrate 67.3g 90.8g 136.2g
  of which sugars 6.0g 8.1g 12.2g
Fibre 7.9g 10.7g 16.1g
Protein 16.8g 22.7g 34.1g
Salt 0.7g 0.9g 1.4g